Windows Firewall Control adalah sebuah aplikasi kecil yang bagus yang memperluas fungsionalitas dari Windows Firewall dan menyediakan akses cepat ke pilihan yang paling sering menuju Windows Firewall. Software ini berjalan di system tray dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengontrol firewall asli dengan mudah tanpa harus membuang waktu dengan menavigasi ke bagian tertentu dari firewall. Windows Firewall Control menawarkan empat mode penyaringan yang dapat diaktifkan hanya dengan klik mouse. Pengguna terdaftar dapat mengambil keuntungan dari belajar Mode dan proteksi password.
Changes in
- New: Added the possibility to copy the filename in the clipboard when the user clicks on the filename in a notification. Open file location was moved to the program icon, so pressing on the program icon will open the file location folder.
- New: When the user recreates the recommended rules there is no result dialog to inform the user if the action was completed or not. Now, a new confirmation is displayed.
- Updated: WFC recommended rules for Windows Store in Windows 8 was updated.
- Fixed: A new notification is not displayed if the Location is changed and there is a rule which blocks other Locations. For example, if a browser is allowed for Domain location only and the user switches to Public location, then the browser is blocked without displaying a new notification.
- Fixed: The default rule for the WFC updater is not the correct one on a clean install, only when the user chooses to recreate WFC recommended rules from the Rules tab.
- Fixed: When exporting a policy file it does not overwrite a file with the same name even if the confirmation dialog says that the new file was successfully saved.
- Fixed: When importing a policy file the profile is switched to Low Filtering and the notifications are set to disabled. These two settings are left now like they were before the import.
- Fixed: Update dialog result does not show in the center of the Control Panel window if Manage Rules window is opened.
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