DomDomSoft Manga Downloader
- Software terbaik untuk mendownload manga dari situs – situs baca
manga online populer seperti MangaFox, Batoto, MangaReader dan masih
banyak lagi. Program ini juga diupdate secara teratur untuk
menghilangkan bug, menambahkan fitur dan meningkatkan dukungan terhadap
website baca online manga.
Screenshot :
Changes in 5.1 :
- Small bugs fixed.
- Remove PunchMangas (it’s down).
- Starkana bug fixed. Please go to DMD folder => Data folder, delete StarkanaData . Then open the program, switch to Starkana to re-download the data file.
- CentralDeMangas bug fixed. Please go to DMD folder => Data folder, delete CentralDeMangasData . Then open the program, switch to Starkana to re-download the data file.
- DoujinMoe bug fixed. Please go to DMD folder => Data folder, delete DoujinMoeData . Then open the program, switch to Starkana to re-download the data file.
- Hentai2Read list update fixed.
- Added Kyomh (Chinese).
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