Screenshot :
- All plug-ins, with the exception of recent Flash plug-ins, are defaulted to 'click to play'
- Password manager now supports script-generated password fields
- Updates can now be performed by Windows users without write permissions to Firefox install directory (requires Mozilla Maintenance Service)
- Support for H.264 on Linux if the appropriate gstreamer plug-ins are installed
- Support for MP3 decoding on Windows XP, completing MP3 support across Windows OS versions
- CSP implementation now supports multiple policies, including the case of both an enforced and Report-Only policy, per the spec
- Social API now supports Social Bookmarking for multiple providers through its SocialMarks functionality (see MDN docs)
- There is no longer a prompt when websites use appcache
- Support for the CSS image orientation property
- New App Manager allows you to deploy and debug HTML5 webapps on Firefox OS phones and the Firefox OS Simulator
- IndexedDB can now be used as a "optimistic" storage area so it doesn't require any prompts and data is stored in a pool with LRU eviction policy, in short temporary storage
- When displaying a standalone image, Firefox matches the EXIF orientation information contained within the JPEG image (298619)
- Improved page load times due to no longer decoding images that aren't visible (847223)
- AudioToolbox MP3 backend for OSX (914479)
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