J River Media Center 19.0.118 Full Patch

JRiver Media Center, memang komplit sekali. selain tangguh dalam menangani file musik, video dan foto, software yang sudah akrab di kenal sebagai software media player ini juga memiliki fitur lain di antaranya JRiver Media Center support dengan podcast, covert art downloader, file manager, playlist, plugin, CD dan DVD burner, Rip Disc dan masih banyak fitur yang lainnya.

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Homepage : JRiver

Changes in 19.0.118 :
1. Changed: In television signal OSD, “Strength” is renamed to “Quality” because that is what it actually is.
2. Fixed: Theater View Skins with a video background could cause Theater View to hang or crash.
3. Changed: Added the “mk3d” file association for MKV files with 3D content.
4. Fixed: Video conversion and streaming of WMV files was not working properly.
5. Changed: Updated Japanese language file (thanks Tsuchiya Kazuo).
6. Changed: Updated Slovak language file (thanks Peter Lukac).
7. Fixed: Converting a compound audio file (WAV/ISO + CUE) with “Replace original file” set would delete the original file after the first track finished, and fail converting all other tracks.
8. Fixed: Using a “|” character in an expression in the “Customize Display” dialog in Standard View caused the expression to be cut-off.
9. Changed: Updated Chinese language files (thanks kelijun).
10. Fixed: MC would not wake up to do television recordings if the computer was put to sleep through Theater view’s “System Sleep, Shutdown, & More…” menu.
11. Changed: Added a frequency entry in the satellite frequency table for 28.2° East satellite, and modified a few existing entries.
12. Changed: Hardware Accelerated Decoding for TV should now behave similar to file playback.

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 09:36


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